Evaluation & Authority

Our Network of Fiduciaries (expert adjusters, coroners, dentists, body shops) well established all over Italy, has great technical expertise and deep knowledge of all possible damages caused by claims of any kind.

It grants the complete management of consultive services and assistance we supply our benificiaries, damaged party and insurance companies. These services are essential to evaluate and determine the effective damage, so as to reach the best solutions in terms of refund and reparation / compensation costs, under the current insurance policies.

Moreover, our experts have also great analytical skills and excellent interpersonal relations.

Mega Services, due to its intensive collaboration with specialised companies, offers its clients a great combination of tradition and innovation, providing state-of-the-art Evaluation Services, with new technologies oriented towards digitalization and innovation.

  • Improve personal interaction with clients
  • Optimise operational and management processes
  • Reduce costs significantly

What we can do for our clients in detail:

  • Network of experts/adjusters: RCA CVT, RE, RCG, nautical evaluations
  • Network of medical experts/coroners: evaluations and expert medical opinions, house calls
  • Network of Investigators (first level and anti-fraud assessement)
  • Network of Lawyers: civil and criminal lawyers
  • Transport evaluations
  • Corporate fleet: managing claims and evaluations
  • Authority activities
  • Risk assessment document (RAD)
  • Documento unico di valutazione da interferenza (DUVRI)
  • Evaluation of properties: energetical and acustic surveys, direct settlement of damages.

In cooperation/collaboration with GENERAL EXPERT our offer of state-of-the-art evaluations
includes also:

  • Video supplies
  • SMART evaluation (with Tablets)
  • Evaluations with Drones

Corporate Video

Quality certifications